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How Hypnotherapy Can Help With Gambling Addiction

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Lots of people around the world like to gamble every now and again, and whether it’s playing the lottery occasionally, or putting a bet on a football game we’ve all taken a risk and put our hard-earned money on the line at some point or other. Now, there’s no problem with having a flutter, or playing a scratch card, unless your gambling gets out of hand and starts to affect your bank balance, and your relationships.

It can often be difficult to know when your habit has become a real problem, especially when it escalates from a few bets, or a few games of online poker a year, to multiple per day. Many people use gambling for a bit of fun, to make a bit of money or for entertainment, but when gambling stops being fun and causes more stress than it relieves, it’s time to stop.

Common signs that may indicate that you have a gambling addiction are: finding it hard to stop gambling, spending more money gambling than you can afford, arguing with friends or family about gambling, lying about gambling to others, borrowing money to gamble, neglecting your daily obligations in favour of gambling, gambling to get out of financial trouble.

Unlike alcohol addiction, or drug addiction it can be hard to find support for your gambling addiction, and it can be equally as difficult to tell the people around you, but help does exist! Hypnotherapy is the perfect way to help you change and alter the triggers that cause your gambling habit and hopefully stop you from feeling that urge in the future. Through sessions with a hypnotherapist and self-hypnosis techniques, you can remove the urge to gamble frrom your life forever!

Hypnotherapy sessions involve talking with a trained hypnotherapist about your problems, where they may come from and how they have affected your life up until this point. You will then work on a treatment plan together, and the hypnotherapist will talk to you about what your future sessions will look like and how the process works so you feel comfortable. When it comes to your actual hypnotherapy sessions, the hypnotherapist will attempt to uncover the root or triggers of your gambling problems and then communicate with your subconscious to change how your brain reacts and copes with those triggers in the future.

How Hypnotherapy Can Help With Gambling
Article Name
How Hypnotherapy Can Help With Gambling
Lots of people around the world like to gamble every now and again, and whether it’s playing the lottery occasionally, or putting a bet on a football game we’ve all taken a risk and put our hard-earned money on the line at some point or other. Now, there’s no problem with having a flutter, or playing a scratch card, unless your gambling gets out of hand and starts to affect your bank balance, and your relationships.
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Lisa Jury Therapy
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